Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Video Project Two

Video Project Two

Courtland Hanley & Elyssa Ellis
Intro to Multimedia Storytelling
Dan Williams
Due 12/4/13

CAB Presents: Free Skate at Fenton Chester Arena

We decided to do our project on the annual Free Skate hosted by both Lyndon State’s Club Hockey team and CAB. The Free Skate is one of the most popular events at Lyndon State College.

Once again, the hockey team gave up some valuable ice time, and CAB provided hot chocolate, coffee and hand warmers, drawing over two hundred students during the hour and a half event.

The Free Skate collaboration between the hockey team and CAB has been going on for six years, consistently bringing in over two hundred students.

Lyndon State Club Hockey Team Coach Jonathan Davis says "It's just a popular event and everyone seems to have a great time. Skating is not something that a majority of students have access to wherever they live or grew up, not to mention the fact that the event is totally free for all [to attend.]"

With so many students in a small location, the assistance of Lyndon State's Public Safety was r
requested this year. Previously, just a town sheriff was requested. Coach Davis likes the feeling of someone who is trained to help if something comes up.

Lyndon State Public Safety Officer Charles Forrest attended the event, and was glad to replace a town sheriff in attendance. "When we have off-campus events, there is usually a better turnout with Public Safety in attendance versus a sheriff just because of the connection... Our hearts are in it," said Forrest.

It's important to have Public Safety at this event because of some of the issues that have arisen in the past. Forrest says "We're there to make sure people are under control, whether it be drugs, alcohol, fights, or domestic disputes between couples... We've seen it all."

Some of these things have been an issue at off-campus events, the Free Skate in particular. Students will often show up intoxicated or under the influence. This puts their safety at risk, as well as the students around them. Last year, there was an injury at the Free Skate event.

Given the event's tremendous success, it's hard to believe the collaboration between the Lyndon State Club Hockey Team and CAB will end any time soon. However, it's important for students to work with Public Safety, and use their heads before the event, creating a safer environment for everyone.

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